Five New Manga’s on Shonen Jump
Manga (Comics that are adapted later into anime if it becomes popular)
Shonen Jump is an application available on the Play store where different mangas are available. If there are more than 4 chapters, you can read the latest chapters of the manga, they are usually three for free. You have to pay a subscription fee for reading all the chapters of a particular manga that you want.
These are the names of the Five New Mangas that you can read for free on the Shonen Jump Application;
- Doron Dororon
‘Chapter 1’ of the manga ‘ Doron Dororon’ was published on the Shonen Jump Application on 28th November 2021.
About the Manga;
Doron Dororon is a manga written by Gen Oosuka. This manga is about a boy who finds someone with supernatural power and together they are on a mission to make the world a happy and kind place. That someone with supernatural power hates bad people. But in the eyes of some, he too is bad.
Read this manga to find out who he really is and will they make this world a happy and kind place?
2. Protect Me, Shugomaru
‘Chapter 2’ of the manga ‘ Protect me, Shugomaru’ was published on the Shonen Jump Application on 28th November 2021.
About the Manga;
This manga is written by “ Diaki Ihara”
The manga is about a bodyguard who has been trained to guard the Ojo Household. From generation to generation, Tekko Clan is the one who provides bodyguards for the Ojo Household.
He is there to protect Miss Sanagi who is starting her High School journey and wants to find a boyfriend.
Read this Manga to find out if the bodyguard can protect her?
3. Ayashimon
‘Chapter 3’ of the manga ‘Ayashimon’ was published on the Shonen Jump Application on 28th November 2021.
About the Manga;
‘Ayashimon’ is a manga written and drawn by ‘Yuji Kaku’
The story is about a child who wants to become a Manga Protagonist. He gets his chance when he meets someone and his life changes.
Will he become the Manga Protagonist or not.
Read the latest chapter to find out.
‘Chapter 11’ of the Manga ‘PPPPPP’ was published on the Shonen Jump Application on 28th November 2021.
About the Manga;
This manga is written and drawn by “ Mapollo 3” The story is about a child who wants to play ‘Piano’ The Otogami’s — All of them are good at playing the piano but he is the only one who is bad at playing the piano and therefore isn’t allowed to either take lessons or play the piano.
But his mom, who believes in him tells him to work hard and become a pianist. He joins classes and takes lessons from a teacher and chooses to play the piano every day.
He takes an entrance exam. Will he pass the entrance exam?
Read the manga ‘PPPPPP’ to find out. Currently, 11 Chapters of this manga are published. The new chapter is scheduled to release in 5 days.
5. Show-ha Shoten
The first two chapters of the manga ‘Show-ha Shoten’ were published on the Shonen Jump Application on 3rd November 2021. Chapter 3 is scheduled to release in 2 days.
About the Manga;
The story is written by Akinari Asakura and the art is by Takeshi Obata. This manga is about two individuals who want to rise to the top of the comedy world.
One is shy and the other one is bold. The two become friends and their journey of rising to the top starts but they have to talk to the shy kid's family first.
Will they manage to convince them?
Go to the Shonen Jump Application to find out.
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